
【NEWS in 日本手話&International Sign】新型コロナウイルスを防ぐには/Prevention Measures against Coronavirus Disease 2019






【ミライロ・コネクト 手話情報】
ミライロでは、新型コロナウイルスに関する情報を受け取りづらい日本に住む外国人の聴覚障害者や、日本手話を日常的に使う日本人の聴覚障害者に向けて、国際手話と日本手話で最新の情報を発信しています。配信する動画は2種類。「国際手話(International Sign)」と「シンプルな日本手話(Japanese Sign Language)」です。

多様な人たちに情報を提供し、情報のバリアを解消していくことを目指していますので、 皆さんも拡散などでご協力いただけると嬉しいです。大切な情報を、必要な人に、伝えていきたいと思います。 応援をよろしくお願いします。

Information on the Novel Coronavirus from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare explained in International Sign

The video explains this document in International Sign.
"Prevention Measures against COVID-19 (200225 version)" by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


What is this sign [Coronavirus]?
It is known as NOVEL CORONAVIRUS or COVID-19 It is signed as [virus].
This sign VIRUS is [virus].
It’s very small and you cannot see it with your eyes.
You need a microscope.

People who catch the Novel Coronavirus may become sick.
They might have the following symptoms:
breathing difficulties

Many Infected persons over time have recovered from the virus.
Other infected persons could not recover and have died.

How does the New Coronavirus spread? It spreads through person to person by coughing, sneezing, and by talking or laughing while in close contact with a person. The wet droplets that come out of a person’s mouth can remain on surfaces like a table, walls, and handrails. It sticks to things.

When you cough or sneeze, the New Coronavirus circulates in the air but not for long. It will eventually settle on to a surface. Any person who touches a contaminated surface is likely to get the virus.

How to take precautions?
- Do not go near crowded places with people, avoid them
- When you return home, wash your hands. When you cook or eat you must first wash your hands, too.

When you cough, do not use your hands because they are contaminated with the virus. And if you touch surfaces, you spread the virus. If you need to cough, use your elbow to cover your mouth.

When you feel sick and have a fever, make notes every day and watch for changes. You will know when you’re really sick.
- If you have other illnesses like heart or lung problems or diabetes, better to stay home.

Also if you have been sick for more than 4 days with increased coughing, a fever of 37.5 C or higher, feeling fatigued, sleepy, or have difficulty breathing, you should go to the hospital.

Where to find a hospital for you?
You should look for a website on your computer. There are two websites recommended to you. Please see below. These websites have international languages. When you visit the website, a Japanese screen will appear. On the top right you will see a small box to click to change to your national language like English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Hindu, the Philippines Tagalog, and other different languages you can choose from. A list of hospitals will show up. You look for a hospital near your home, pick the telephone number and call Video Relay Services. They will sign interpret your message to the hospital and relay information back to you in sign language. You should make an appointment to see the doctor. The doctor will talk to you and maybe examine you with various tests like drawing a sample of your blood.

When you go to the hospital you must wear a mask.

【MIRAIRO CONNECT Signing Information(MCSI)】
Mirairo Inc. is pleased to announce that we will be making information about the current Novel Coronavirus situation available to Deaf foreign nationals in Japan.

Information will be made available through video in simple Japanese Sign Language and International Sign. The videos will be available on Mirario’s website and on YouTube. Please share these videos in your communities.

We hope that these videos will help Deaf foreign nationals in Japan and keep them informed. Thank you for your support!
Link to related videos